პროგრამები და ტრეინინგები
ჩვენ წარმოგიდგენთ საუკეთესო პროგრამებს, კურსებს და ტრეინინგებს საქართველოში და საზღვარგარეთ

მოძებნეთ პროგრამა ან კურსები
საუკეთესო პროგრამები, კურსები და ტრეინინგები საქართველოში
Free Online Masterclass is organized by GAACC (Georgia and Asia-Africa Chamber of Commerce) in collaboration with the IRC Language and Training Academy.
Georgian American University is authorized by National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement Legal Entity of Public Law within the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
GAU Business School was founded in 2005, with consideration of the best international practices and the local business environment. Programs and teaching methods are dynamic. They are fully compatible with general development trends and technological progress. The close link between GAU Business School and US leading universities show that our program meets the standards of the relevant programs of American Universities. These approaches have significantly defined GAU Business School academic identity and philosophy.
The Medical School in Georgian American University was established in 2017. The undergraduate MD curriculum at GAU MD School functions as a 6-year (360 ECTS) medical program designed to meet the challenges of training competitive and highly qualified doctors for the 21st century.
ჩვენი პარტნიორები
რას ყვებიან ჩვენი სტუდენტები?
Joudi NEouchi
(2nd semester MD student at Georgian American University)To be honest Georgian American University has very distinctive and coordinated programing for Medical faculty. Our curriculum is integrated courses, it’s hard but is very helpful to understand each topic in each point of view. Example: we were learning in anatomy about the names of muscles covering our body, histology the muscle tissue content, genetics the disorder related to the muscle cells, physiology action potential across the muscle fibers, cell biology was about contraction method… So this integrated curriculum helps us to understand the overall of each topic, that makes it easier to the comprehension.
We thank the organizer of our approach Mr. Shorena Tukvadze, for this integrated organization. We have really good and professional doctors, and we are glad to have them.
They have a lot of clinical experience and they share it with us during the explanation. They have modern technics for the quizzes/exams on computers, you will have your grades immediately but you are not able to review, after finishing, what was your false answers to learn from it. It’s a very annoying point. For once, at each semester you will have an oral exam, it will be about how to solve clinical issues. You will start your clinical skills and clinical rotation classes at the second semester and it’s very attractive course.
Never say university program is hard, because it’s not about the curriculum it’s about the medicine itself, you must be patient and strong to succeed at the specialization.
Joudi Nazih Neouchi
Second semester student at
Medical Doctor’s program
Georgian American University
Awad Adnan
(1st year MD student at Georgian American University)I want to give all my appreciation for this University, they are teaching us the international curriculum which is not available in all Georgian Universities.
I want to pay tribute to the Doctors who are teaching us, they are so friendly and helpful.
The university affords us to go to the hospitals and see the patients which is a great thing, and you can feel like you are already a real doctor and they clarify what responsibilities you have to take in the future.
Awad Adnan
First year student
GAU Medical School
Rashad Soujod
(2nd year MD student at Georgian American University)Hello, I am Rashad Soujod, a Lebanese student in Georgia. I am glad to be a part of the Georgian American University, medical school. At first I took the risk to join a new medical school without any global rank or reviews and then I met a group of the most professional doctors in Georgia, Dr. Shorena Tukvadze, who can be considered one of the most successful lecturers in Georgia and Dr. Giorgi Dugashvili who is appointed as the National Doctor of Georgia for 2019, as well as the friendly staff. Join Us.
Rashad Soujod
Moataz Sherqawi
(2nd year MD student at Georgian American University)Hello! I'm Moataz Sherqawi a second year student in Medical School in Georgian American university. To be allowed to enter this university you should pass an easy English exam, then you will join to a friendly gathering of lecturers where the major of them are professional doctors and they share their experiences with us in each material. You are allowed, from the second semesterm to visit hospitals and get a real experience about doctors works and patients states.
ია ბაშარული
(ს/ს კედარი)ტრენინგის განმავლობაში მომეწონა გარემო, თანამშრომლების განწყობა, სიმშვიდე, ტრენინგის საათები და ხანგრძლივობა, ტრენინგის მსვლელობა და ლანჩი. საუკეთესო იყო!
თინათინ პაპუკაშვილი
(სოკარი)ტრენინგის განმავლობაში მომეწონა მეგობრული გარემო, კომპეტენტური ტრენერი, თემატიკა
ანა მენაბდე
(გენი ქართული)ტრენინგის განმავლობაში მომეწონა ცოცხალი აქტიური პროცესი, მაქსიმალური ჩართულობა
ნათია პლაჭიაშვილი
(TV 1)ტრენინგის განმავლობაში მომეწონა თეორიისა და პრაქტიკული სამუშაოების შერწყმა, აუდიტორიის ჩართულობა, გუნდურობა
ნინო ღანიშაშვილი
(ქალები მომავლისთვის)ტრენინგის განმავლობაში მომეწონა მაგალითები პრაქტიკიდან, ასევე მუშაობა ჯგუფებში, გარემო, ურთიერთობა. ასევე ტრენერის საინტერესო გამოცდილება
ნია მღვდელაძე
(არდი)ტრენინგის განმავლობაში მომეწონა ტრენერი, დინამიკურობა, ტრენინგის პერიოდში ჩართულობა
On 10th March, 2020 the President of Georgian American University (GAU), Mr. Michael Gowgill, by the invitation of International Relations Centre (IRC) visitied Lebanon with the representatives of IRC, Nika Siradze and Rita Bernetsiani.