Free Online Masterclass - Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback

Date: 22 October, 19:00 PM
Duration: 3 Hour
Location: Online ( ZOOM Platform)
Cost: Free
How to give recognition and appreciation in the best way and how to talk about respectfully about conflict-prone topics. In this interactive impulse workshop you will get to know strategies and tools for giving effective and targeted feedback at the right moment in your business life, but also privately if necessary. After completion of this training course, you will be able to use feedback as a powerful tool for steering and motivating other persons in a professional environment.
- Facts about Perception
- Why is feedback important?
- Feedback Rules and models
- How to prepare a feedback session?
- 4 steps to a request
- Giving and receiving feedback in practice
The course will be led by Sabine Grosser - an expert from a specially invited German business consulting company with 15 years of experience in the marketing and IT telecommunications sector. Sabine is a professional business coach and international trainer with a history of successful collaboration with medium and large European businesses. She is also the President of the Düsseldorf Business and Professional Women Network and a Visiting Lecturer at Alexander Technique International (ATI).
Free Online Masterclass is organized by GAACC (Georgia and Asia-Africa Chamber of Commerce) in collaboration with the IRC Language and Training Academy.

საბინ გროსერი მარკეტინგის ექსპერტი
15 წლიანი გამოცდილებით მარკეტინგისა და IT ტელეკომუნიკაციის სექტორში, პროფესიონალი ბიზნეს-ქოუჩი და საერთაშორისო ტრენერი საშუალო და მსხვილ ბიზნესებთან წარმატებული თანამშრომლობის ისტორიით. იგი ასევე გახლავთ Business and Professional Women Network-ის დიუსელდორფის პრეზიდენტი და Alexander Technique International-ის (ATI) მიწვეული ლექტორი.

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